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ServeTheHome - Server and Workstation Reviews
Sheldon® Comic Strip: Daily webcomic by Dave Kellett - Sheldon is a sarcastic, nerdy, family-friendly comic strip filled with pop-culture references and fun, random storylines. At its center is this weird, wonderful little family: a billionaire boy, his talking duck, & the grandfather that raises them bot
SHELL EXTENSION CITY - Configure Your System Wickedly. The Cutting Edge of software.
ShoutMeLoud - Blogging | Make Money Online | Wordpress | SEO |Social Media
Shtetl-Optimized - The Blog of Scott Aaronson
SiliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
Singularity Hub - The Future Is Here Today...Robotics, Genetics, AI, Longevity, The Brain...
Skinnytaste - Real food, real life.
Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters
Slashdot: Linux - News for nerds, stuff that matters
Slate Blogs - Recent Blogs from Slate
Small Business Trends - Exploring the trends driving small business
SmallNetBuilder - All Articles - All the latest from
Smart Mobs - Just another WordPress weblog
Smashwords - The official blog for Smashwords, a distributor of indie ebooks
Smexy Books - Romance and Urban Fantasy Reviews : Social Media Blog - Social Networking and Social Media Blog
Social Media Blog by Michael Brito - Social Media Blog written by Michael Brito.
Society for Linguistic Anthropology - Official Homepage of the SLA
Softpedia - Windows - All - Softpedia - Windows - All
Softpedia News - Global - Softpedia News - Global
Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers - Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Every ten days, a new episode is published that covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content ? we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is an independent and non-commercial organization. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons 2.5 license.
Somatosphere - Science, Medicine, and Anthropology
Something Positive by R.K. Milholland - Comics strips, news updates, and convention schedule for the webcomic Something Positive.


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