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Redmond Pie - Covering Microsoft and its competitors like no one else!
Remarkablogger - Blog Coaching & Consulting Services
Remember The Milk - Blog - The companion blog to Remember The Milk, the best way to manage your tasks.
Reptilis Rex - A sci-fi webcomic about reptoids and humans living together.
Ririan Project - A personal development blog!
RocketNews24 - Bringing you yesterday's news from Japan and Asia, today.
Roleplaying Tips - Free game master tips e-zine for roleplaying games
Scenes From A Multiverse - A daily comic about life by Jon Rosenberg
Schneier on Security - A blog covering security and security technology.
Science Blog - The Web's straight-from-the-source science news destination.
ScienceDaily: Psychology News - Psychology news. Read today's psychology research on relationships, happiness, memory, behavioral problems, dreams and more. Also, psychology studies comparing humans to apes.
ScienceDaily: Top News - Top science, health, technology and environment news stories, featured on ScienceDaily's home page.
ScienceDaily: Top Science News - Top science news, featured on ScienceDaily's home page.
Scientific American - Mind & Brain - Science news and technology updates from Scientific American
Scott Hanselman - Scott Hanselman's Thoughts on Programming, Technology, Fatherhood, and Life
Search Engine Guide : Small Business Search Marketing - Search engine marketing news and information you can use to grow your business. Home Page - © Use of this feed is limited to personal, non-commercial use and is governed by Seeking Alpha's Terms of Use ( Publishing this feed for public or commercial use and/or misrepresentation by a third party is prohibited.
SemiAnalysis - Bridging the gap between business and the world's most important industry.
SEO - Search engine optimization and search engine marketing news. A new chapter every day.
separated by a common language - Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK England and America are two countries separated by a common language. --George Bernard Shaw BrE = British EnglishAmE = American EnglishOED=Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edn. [1989], unless otherwise noted)


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