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PR-Squared - Social Media Marketing and Public Relations - Social Media and Public Relations Consulting ' PR Squared
ProActive Writer Blog - Courses and books editing for self-published writers
ProBlogger Job Board - Helping bloggers find jobs
Procedural World - Following one man's task of building a virtual world from the comfort of his pajamas. Discusses Procedural Terrain, Vegetation and Architecture generation. Also OpenCL, Voxels and Computer Graphics in general.
Productive Flourishing - The Art of Meaningful Action
Productivity Portfolio - Offers short articles and online tutorials to Windows users on how to better use personal technology. Site includes information on email, PDAs, cell phones, browsers, software and more.
Project Smart: Project Management Articles - Project Smart is the project management resource that helps managers at all levels to improve their performance. We provides an important knowledge base for those involved in managing projects of all kinds. With weekly updates it keeps you in touch with the latest project management thinking.
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed - The highest-quality commentary and analysis from the world's most distinguished voices.
Psdtuts+ - Photoshop Tutorials
Psychology Headlines Around the World - From Social Psychology Network
PubMed New and Noteworthy - Brief announcements highlighting recent enhancements and changes to the PubMed and MeSH databases.
Purple Pawn - Game News Across the Board
Pusheen the cat - =^● ⋏ ●^= Meow! I am Pusheen the cat. This is my blog. (more…)
Put This On - A web series about dressing like a grownup. From Jesse Thorn and Adam Lisagor.
PVRblog - How-to articles, News, and Reviews of all things TiVo, ReplayTV and Digital Video Recorder.
Pyromaniacs - "Is not My word like a fire?" says the LORD (Jeremiah 23:29).
Quartz - Quartz is a digitally native news outlet for the new global economy.
Query Shark - How To Write Query Letters ... or, really, how to revise query letters so they actually work
Quick Online Tips - Technology Bits and Blogging Tips.
Quotes of the Day - Four humorous quotations each day from The Quotations Page
Rachelle Gardner - Literary Agent
Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space - A community's physical form, rather than its land uses, is its most intrinsic and enduring characteristic. This blog focuses on place and placemaking and all that makes it work--historic preservation, urban design, transportation, asset-based community development, arts & cultural development, commercial district revitalization, tourism & destination development, and quality of life advocacy--along with doses of civic engagement and good governance watchdogging.
Redmond Pie - Covering Microsoft and its competitors like no one else!


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