Can't mark feeds as "read"
Submitted by kosmofilo on Mon, 03/21/2011 - 18:37I can't mark some feeds as read on Opera 11.10, such as the ones on my category
Is this problem on the browser?
j/k | selects the next/previous item in the list |
n/p | in title view, selects the next item without opening it |
space/shift+space | moves to the next/previous page |
shift+m | open/close the main menu |
shift+o | open/close the options menu |
enter | select the highlight entry from a menu |
enter,o | in title view, expands or collapses the selected item |
shift+a | marks all items in the current page as read |
d | go to the item's list of similar stories |
i/u | designate the item as interesting/not interesting |
m | marks the item as read or unread |
s | adds or removes a star from the selected item |
shift+s | open/close the item's share menu |
shift+u | marks all items in the current page as unread |
v | opens the original source for the item in a new tab |
Go To a New Page
g then h | go to the homepage |
g then i | go to the Interesting items view |
g then a | go to the All items view |
g then s | go to the Saved items view |
g then p | go to the Popular items view |
g then f | go to the Select a Feed page |
- | decrease the font size |
= | increase the font size |
esc | close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items |
? | open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts |
If you open up the Opera
If you open up the Opera error console (cntl+shift+O) does it list any errors when marking read doesn't work?
Which mark read link are you selecting (an individual item, page, all?) and what is the behavior you are seeing afterwards? I'm able to mark read on all the pages I've tried so the problem is probably due to a process difference or something in the content causing a problem.
I've tried to submit a reply
I've tried to submit a reply here many times but my response is getting blocked some way, even after removing all links from the error codes. I'll send it to your email.
I think I have it fixed now. Please let me know if you have any more trouble.
I didn't even have the time
I didn't even have the time to reply to your first email, and it's working already! Thanks. :)