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The Scholarly Kitchen - What's Hot & What's Cooking in Scholarly Publishing - from the Society for Scholarly Publishing
The Self Publishing Podcast - DIY Digital Publishing, Kindle Publishing, and Advice for Writers - Want to get your words out into the world without contending with agents, publishers, or any of the other gatekeepers in traditional publishing? There's never been a better time to become a writer, and to be in charge of your own destiny rather than jumping through hoops to please the Powers that Be. Self-publishing ninjas David Wright and Sean Platt -- who have manufactured a publishing machine around Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform -- join popular blogger and author Johnny B. Truant to explore everything related to getting published in today's new DIY digital publishing frontier. This isn't artsy talk... we're business guys with no-BS strategies to help you make self-publishing a rewarding reality. Submit your questions at!
The Selvedge Yard - A historical record of artistry, anarchy, alchemy & authenticity.
The Shape of Everything - A website mostly about Mac stuff, written by Gus Mueller
The Shatzkin Files » Blog - The Idea Logical Company Blog
The Shmooze, The Yiddish Book Center's Podcast - The Yiddish Book Center's podcast includes conversations with Jewish culture makers, plus news and stories related to Yiddish literature, language, and culture.
The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive - The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive is a podcast that contains off-air recordings from the shortwaves. These recordings represent the wide variety of stations found on the shortwave, long wave and medium wave radio spectrums (30-30,000 kHz)
The Signal - The Signal
The Simple Dollar - Simple, applicable personal finance advice for the modern world
The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans - Eating Right Because Our Jeans Are Too Tight
The Skeptic's Field Guide - A site for skeptics and critical thinkers. Hundreds of real life examples of fallacies, updated regularly. An eBook version of Humbug! The skeptics' field guide to spotting fallacies in thinking. A weekly podcast on each fallacy: Hunting Humbug 101 — a crash course in shooting down bad arguments. We take fallacies seriously, but not ourselves.
The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe - The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is a weekly Podcast talkshow discussing the latest news and topics from the world of the paranormal, fringe science, and controversial claims from a scientific point of view. -The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: Your escape to reality -Produced by the New England Skeptical Society in association with the James Randi Educational Foundation(JREF) :
THE SKINNER - Science fiction writer's blog.
the skint - the best free and cheap things to do in new york city. every day. - a daily listing of the best free and cheap things to buy, see, do and eat in new york.
The Slog. 3-D bollocks deconstruction - 3-D bollocks deconstruction
The Smart Passive Income Blog - Smart Ways to Live a Passive Income Lifestyle On the Internet with
The SMPlayer Blog - Free Media Player
The SmugMug Blog - Billions of happy photos. Millions of passionate customers.


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