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The Raw Story - America's #1 completely independent news and politics source
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The Regional Automation Consortium (TRAC) - New Videos - Latest titles received by library.
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The Register - Biting the hand that feeds IT
The Register - Biting the hand that feeds IT
The Register - Business - Biting the hand that feeds IT — sci/tech news and views for the world
The Register - Networks: Mobile - Biting the hand that feeds IT — sci/tech news and views for the world
The Register articles about BOFH by Simon Travaglia - Biting the hand that feeds IT — sci/tech news and views for the world
The Register articles by Simon Travaglia - Biting the hand that feeds IT
The Requiem Podcast - A home for goths and rivetheads to call their own. Every week (Thursdays) one of the Requiem's DJ's will bring you the most decadent mix they can conjure. Featuring every genre from the underground scene, no one gets left behind! Visit the website for playlists, videos, news and more. Welcome to the Shadows!
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The ryg blog - When I grow up I'll be an inventor.
The Sacred Sandwich - Illustrated Journal for Small-Town Christians in the Big Bad World
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The Sartorialist - Sartorialist's Blog


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