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Calvin and Hobbes (Unofficial) - Unofficial Calvin and Hobbes RSS Feed
Camera Hacker: Forums - Most recently posted messages.
Camera Labs and DSLR Tips latest news and reviews - Camera Labs Digital Camera, DSLR and lens reviews / DSLR Tips workshops and advice
Campaign Mastery - Expert advice on creating and running exceptional campaigns.
Campus Activism - The Blog - Online Activist Tools - Ideas for the online revolution.
Campus Faculty Association - Fighting for public higher education
Canada's NDP - Thomas Mulcair, Fighting for you - Canada's New Democrats.
Canadian Cynic - Left-leaning, progressive snark from the general vicinity of Waterloo, Ontario. Private e-mail:
Canadian Lutheran Online - The national magazine of Lutheran Church—Canada
Canadian Magazines - News, views and reviews of the Canadian magazine industry.
CANAL Football Club | myCANAL - Feed created by
CANAL Football Club | myCANAL - Feed created by
Canon Rumors - You gotta know
CAP Your Landlord! - landlord or boss giving you hell in nyc? CAP 'em!
Capital Soul House Sessions: Soulful, Deep, Afro & Urban - An eclectic mix of urban soulful house music sometimes live from CyberJAMZ Internet Radio Saturdays 4-6pm EST
Capitol Report New Mexico - Capitol Report New Mexico is a targeted publication published seven times a year and distributed to a select list of legislators and political influences. This blog is dedicated to the discussion of issues surrounding the New Mexico State and Federal Legislatures, and in-depth review of articles published in each issue.
CAPL: Spanish (Central America & Caribbean) Image of the Day - Spanish (Central America & Caribbean) Image of the Day
CAPL: Spanish (Mexico) Image of the Day - Spanish (Mexico) Image of the Day
CAPL: Spanish (Peninsular) Image of the Day - Spanish (Peninsular) Image of the Day
CAPL: Spanish (Southern Cone) Image of the Day - Spanish (Southern Cone) Image of the Day - Advice. Staircase Wit. Faux Pas. Movies.


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