Bezpieczeństwo - Dziennik Internautów - internet w życiu i biznesie - Informacje na temat błędów w popularnych programach oraz innych zagrożeniach i niebezpieczeństwach czyhających na internautów oraz użytkowników telefonów komórkowych.
BGR - Tech and entertainment news, reviews, opinions and insights
bianet - Son Haberler
Biased Statistics - Une vision presque biaisée de l'économie
Bible Gateway Blog - News and reflections from
Bible Money Matters - Personal finance topics including budgeting, debt elimination and faith based investing.
Bible_Topics - Christian Bible study articles and topics : Free online syndicated studies and resources about religion, salvation, Christianity, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. New article each week. The Gospel Way.
Biblical Archaeology Review - Unearthing the World of the Bible
Biblical Christianity - The real, living, Triune God of Scripture does not confine Himself to a ghetto. He created everything, He owns everything, He is Lord over everything. That means, necessarily, that His Word cannot be segregated. Being a student of Christ means learning what impact God's Word has on every area of life. That imperfect, ongoing process is what this blog is about.
Fair warning: it's nothing if not eclectic!
Biblical Studies and Technological Tools - How are technological tools--Bible software, internet web sites, and other related resources--affecting biblical studies?
Biblical Studies and Technological Tools - How are technological tools--Bible software, internet web sites, and other related resources--affecting biblical studies? - The website provides free resources for students of the Christian Bible. New additions to that site are noted on this Blog along with other relevant material. is part of the Theology on the Web ministry. For more information, including how you can support the work of making good theological material available free of charge, please visit
BiblioJunkies - Books. Boys. Pie.
Bifurcated Rivets - Eclectica for Epopts - Lindsay Marshall's weblog
Big 10-Inch Record - 10-inch LPs and other records from the early LP era
Big Albuquerque-like Things (BAT) - Here John reports his thoughts on growth, urban renewal, and mass transit in the city of Albuquerque.
Big Blue View - Your place for year-round New York Giants discussion and information
Big Browser : Toute l'actualité sur Le - Big Browser - Découvrez gratuitement tous les articles, les vidéos et les infographies de la rubrique Big Browser sur Le