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VirtualDub2 - Files from VirtualDub2 A streamlined video editor with simple frame-by-frame timeline. Free, open-source, portable. The default package is ready for use with many essential plugins included, and can be further extended with 3rd party codecs and filters. See Wiki for detailed description: Previous name of this project: VirtualDub FilterMod - News digest about virtualization technologies, products, market trends. Since 2003.
Visible Voice - visible voice
Visio Guy - Shapes, Stencils, Drawings Templates, Tutorials, Tips & Developer Info for Microsoft Visio
VisioCafe Site News - Updates to the web site.
Vistaphotography - New England Photography & Back Road Travels - I'm a Salem MA wedding photographer and I photograph the fall foliage of New England for Yankee Magazine. My fall foliage blog can be found on Contact me through my website and check out my photography.
Visual Anthropology - News and Resources for Visual Anthropology
Visual Anthropology of Japan - 日本映像人類学 - Explorations and experiments in visual representations - ethnographic film, photography and visual media
VisualBlog - das Weblog für die kreative Welt - Wir bloggen über Internet-Trends, gute Webseiten, lustige Illustrationen, gute Animationen, spannende Crowdsourcing-Kampagnen und und und
Vitónica - Blog sobre Fitness, nutrición y vida sana, con los mejores consejos y toda la información.
Vitamin G - Vitamin G - Glamour Health and Fitness Blog
Vito Laterza's Blog - Abstract opinions on real issues
VITUX - Linux Compendium
Viva o Linux - Viva o Linux - Porque nós amamos a liberdade! A melhor comunidade para se aprender Linux do Brasil.
Vivaldi Browser Help - Help pages for Vivaldi Web Browser
VIVAnews - RSS Service
Vive Oaxaca, Cultura y Turismo del Estado de Oaxaca - Somos Vive, una página de promoción, difusión, realce y rescate de la cultura del estado de Oaxaca. Fomentamos y fortalecemos el turismo a este maravilloso estado a través de diferentes proyectos encaminados a la distinción, reconocimiento y realce de la gran historia de nuestros pueblos.
Vivian Arend - Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Author
VOA News: خبرها - خبرها Voice of America - Belgisch en internationaal voetbalnieuws, transfers, video, voetbalshop en reportages - Belgisch en internationaal voetbalnieuws, transfers, video, voetbalshop en reportages
Voidstar: blog - Recently updated blogs.


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