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Véhesse - Citations, analyses et fantaisies.
Valeria Verbinina - Валерия Вербинина - Valeria Verbinina - Валерия Вербинина -
Value Research Online - Value Research: The Complete Guide to Mutual Funds - Site Devoted to Value Investing and Legendary Value Investors
Vampire Book Club - Urban fantasy, paranormal romance and fantasy news and reviews
Vandelay Design Blog - Web Design and Development Blog
Vanguard News - Latest updates from Nigeria, including business, politics, entertainment, fashion, health, technology, naija lifestyle
Vanilla #Java - Understanding how Core Java really works can help you write simpler, faster applications.
Vanished World - "The traces were still there. But time would slowly blur them and nothing would be left." - Edgar Hilsenrath
VC Confidential - Behind the VC Curtain
Veerle's blog - All content from Veerle's blog 3.0
Velveteen Rabbi - Now running and playing with the real rabbis!
VentureBeat - Silicon Valley news about tech money and innovation
VeraCrypt - Files from VeraCrypt VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software brought to you by IDRIX ( and based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. It adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks. It also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt. This enhanced security adds some delay ONLY to the opening of encrypted partitions without any performance impact to the application use phase. This is acceptable to the legitimate owner but it makes it much harder for an attacker to gain access to the encrypted data. All released files are PGP signed with key ID=0x680D16DE, available on key servers and downloadable at VeraCrypt can mount TrueCrypt volumes. It also can convert them to VeraCrypt format. Documentation: FAQ :
Verbrechen - Warum lässt eine Frau ihren Mann erschießen? Wie kommt ein Kommissar an ein Geständnis? Und warum lügen Zeugen manchmal? Was, wenn Polizisten kriminell handeln oder Sachverständige versuchen, ihre Irrtümer zu kaschieren? Und was, wenn Unschuldige in die Mühlen der Strafjustiz geraten — und niemand ihnen glaubt …? Sabine Rückert aus der ZEIT-Chefredaktion ist Expertin für Verbrechen und deren Bekämpfung. Sie saß in großen Strafprozessen, schrieb preisgekrönte Gerichtsreportagen und ging unvorstellbaren Kriminalfällen nach. Durch ihre Berichterstattung deckte sie außerdem zwei Justizirrtümer auf. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Rechtsmedizin und Kriminalpsychiatrie ebenso wie mit Glaubwürdigkeitsbegutachtung und Profiling. Rückert kennt die Welt der Verbrechensbekämpfung von der Polizeiwache bis zum Bundesgerichtshof. Mit Andreas Sentker, dem Leiter des Wissensressorts der ZEIT, spricht Sabine Rückert über die Fälle ihres Lebens.
Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional
Vergroot je wereld - Weblog van de HAN over Economie, Management en Recht
Very Bad Wizards - Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.
Very Demotivational - The Demotivational Posters Blog - New Demotivating Posters Every Day. It's A Lot of Work.
Very Wordy - Blathering about games
vesaire - ziyadesiyle kültür neşriyatı.


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