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Time to Write - JURGEN WOLFF'S tips, ideas, inspirations for writers and would-be writers and other creative people
Times of India - The Times of India: Breaking news, views, reviews, cricket from across India
TinEye Blog - The blog of TinEye, the reverse image search engine.
TinEye releases - What's new with TinEye?
Tinta-E - Cada día me doy unas vueltas por la blogosfera tecnológica y comento lo que me llama la atención con los colegas. Aquí pretendo hacer otro tanto. Algunos de los temas reincidentes serán Tablet PC y e-ink, y ya de antemano espero que los espíritus sensibles no se lleven las manos a la cabeza si con peor o mejor fortuna explico de forma llana algunos de los temas que trate, porque lo que pretendo es que esto no lo lean sólo los frikis, geeks y demás gentuza como yo.
Tiny House Blog - Living Simply in Small Spaces - simple wisdom for complex lives.
Tip and Trick - Tips and Tricks on Computing, Technology, Software, Internet and Gadgets.
Tip Junkie - How to, Creative DIY, Crafts, Patterns & Tips
TiPb - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch blog - Get the latest news, reviews, help, and how-tos for Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and iTunes App Store apps and games!
TipsFromGeek - Tips for better computing, troubleshooting and How-Tos - Computing and Blogging Tips
Titanium Track - Titanium Track Official Website
Titanium Track - Titanium Track Official Website
Title Mangler - improved - I just took out some mistakes and exchanged Prefix/Postfix to make it more handy. Lets you add text before and after the title in a feed. Use   for blanks between Prefix or Postfix and URL.
Title Mangler - improved - I just took out some mistakes and exchanged Prefix/Postfix to make it more handy. Lets you add text before and after the title in a feed. Use   for blanks between Prefix or Postfix and URL.
Title Mangler - improved - I just took out some mistakes and exchanged Prefix/Postfix to make it more handy. Lets you add text before and after the title in a feed. Use   for blanks between Prefix or Postfix and URL.
Title Mangler - improved - I just took out some mistakes and exchanged Prefix/Postfix to make it more handy. Lets you add text before and after the title in a feed. Use   for blanks between Prefix or Postfix and URL. - Celebrity Gossip and Entertainment News, Covering Celebrity News and Hollywood Rumors. Get All The Latest Gossip at TMZ - Thirty Mile Zone. - Технологии, новини и статии за най-новото на пазара.


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enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
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d go to the item's list of similar stories
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m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

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= increase the font size
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? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts