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The Cafes - Longer than a blog; shorter than a book
The Center for Social Media - The Center for Social Media showcases and analyzes strategies to use media as creative tools for public knowledge and action. ...
The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts - The CSPA provides a network of resources to arts organizations, which enables them to be ecologically and economically sustainable while maintaining artistic excellence. We support the infrastructure of this network by supplying artists with the information, education and intellectual community they need to make the best choices for their sustainability. We do this through three independent programs: The CSPA Online Resource Guide, annual CSPA convergence and the CSPA Institute's curriculum building. We extend these efforts with key partnerships: A producing partnership with Texas Performance Labs and a periodical partnership with Mammut Magazine. Under the umbrella of the CSPA, each program and partnership uses different tactics with their own mission to create a comprehensive and cooperative synthesis in artistic sustainability.
The Change Blog - Practical actions and inspiration to change your life.
The Changelog - Open source moves fast. Keep up.
The Changelog - Open source moves fast. Keep up.
The Cheap Vegetable Gardener - Growing vegetables using grow boxes, LEDs, computers, and great soil
The ChEMBL-og - Open Data For Drug Discovery - The news, progress, whereabouts, and ephemera from the Computational Chemical Biology group at the EMBL-EBI.
The Chosun Ilbo - The Chosun Ilbo
The Chris Plante Show - Chris Plante, 9am to Noon Eastern, live from Washington, DC.
THE CHRIS VOSS SHOW - Chris Voss is President of Strategix One Consulting, Sharing 20+ yrs Experience as an Entrepreneur of Successful Companies in Business and Marketing
The Christian Institute » News - Christian influence in a secular world.
THE CLASSIC SPORTS GAMER - All about sports table gaming
The Classics Club - A Community of Classics Lovers
The Clicky Post - The Clicky Post is a pen review blog written by Mike Dudek
The Cloudflare Blog - Here at Cloudflare, we make the Internet work the way it should. The Cloudflare Blog provides cutting-edge updates on internet performance, security, reliability, serverless computing, and more.
The Coach - نوشته های امیر مهرانی درباره تکنولوژی، مدیریت، خلاقیت و سوشیال مدیا
The Cobalt Club Annex - Latest topics
The Cobden Centre - For honest money and social progress


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