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The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder - This is a place to visit for your daily dose of creativity, wit, quotes, inspiration, and other stuff.
The Awesomer - Awesome Stuff for Awesome People
The Bag Blog - A blog all about purses, pocket books, bags & what have you.
The Bald Truth - A humorous look at travel, family, relationships... And all kinds of other shit.
The Baltic Times - Daily news from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The online edition of The Baltic Times newspaper
The Barefoot Bum - Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial
The Barefoot Technologist - Becky Hogge's website
The Barrel Blog - The essential perspective on global energy
The Baseball Codes - @BaseballCodes
The Baseline Scenario - What happened to the global economy and what we can do about it
The Baseline Scenario - What happened to the global economy and what we can do about it
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD - High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
The Beer Fly - The Beer Fly - Drosophila Melanogaster is attracted to fermenting of fruit and grains. It is commonly found in breweries, wineries and pubs alike (The Waverley Encyclopedia, 1952). All in all, rather like me.
The Beer Nut - Why is that man photographing his pint?
The Belated Nerd - Science Fiction, Comic Book, and Pop Culture News...from 50 years ago!
The Berkeley Blog - Provocative thinking from UC Berkeley
The Berkeley Blog ยป Business & Economics - Provocative thinking from UC Berkeley
The Big Picture - Macro Perspective on the Capital Markets, Economy, Geopolitics, Technology, and Digital Media
The Billfold - Everything About Money You Were Too Polite To Ask
The Bitten Bullet - Every new beer is a risk. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
The Bitterest Pill - The official website/blog of Dan Klass The Bitterest Pill.
The Blazing Center - Connecting God's Truth to Real Life


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