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Monday By Noon - A resource for Web designers and developers to read about and discuss their craft. - Jason Stone blogs about Web Design, Trends and Weekly Findings
Media Contender - HeavyWeight Business
Max Barry - News and blather from
Logic+Emotion - Logic+Emotion sits at the intersection of business, design and the impact of social technology on our behavior.
Least I Could Do - RSS for the popular comic Least I Could Do
Konigi - row
Josh Klein Web Strategy - Josh Klein Web Strategy is a blog about creating websites that are worth caring about -- websites that matter to people.
John Goldsmith's visLog - Getting under the surface of Visio
Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design - Tips and Commentary on Web Accessibility, Usability, and Search Marketing best practices.
Joe Clark, Toronto - What’s new at the ‘business’ site for the Toronto journalist and author
Jesus and Mo - Comic featuring Jesus and Mohammed
Introversion - The Introversion Forums
in over your head - social capital, trust agents, all that jazz
Eleganthack - Eleganthack is a guide to Information Architecture, Interface Design, Usability, User Centered Design and so on and so on and ...
Herding Code - The Herding Code Podcast
Global Nerdy - Tech Evangelist Joey deVilla on software development, tech news and other nerdy stuff
Gamers With Jobs - Conference Call - The official podcast of, every week the guys discuss the latest games, issues affecting the industry and more! This is THE gaming podcast for mature gamers.


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