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A Blog set up for Anxiety Sufferers - Anxiety no more Helping sufferers overcome anxiety and panic issues
A Case Suitable for Treatment - A blog for Sean Gaffney to review manga, anime, cartoons, and occasionally to ramble on about diverse and sundry notions. But yeah, mostly manga reviews.
A Clockwork Berry - Hacking fruit and much more
A Daily Dose of Architecture - (Almost) daily architectural musings and imagery from New York City
A Feed Called Konsum - This feed is powered by Zapier's handy RSS service.
A Girl's Guide to Project Management - News, views and reviews from the world of a project manager trying to stay OTOBOS.
A Joy Walk - Pursue Joy. Walk with God.
A Light In The Darkness - A Personal Journey Into The Mysterious World Of The Occult (Including Magick & Alchemy, The Kabbalah, UFO technology & ET intelligences, The Psychic Senses & Mediumship, Paranormal Phenomena, Meditation & Visualisations, Shamanism, The Unknown & The Unseen ...etc) all the Conspiracy Theories and Current Affairs. UPDATED DAILY SINCE 2006!
a musing space; a performance in progress - Issues of heart and soul using IT. I'm doing a doctoral thesis (PhD) in education about change and changes in using computers and communication technologies to communicate care. I am using actor-network theory as a guide for this. Hoping to use some arts based research in the form of digital narrative to support the thesis, all ideas welcome!
A New Mac Tip Every Day - Finding all the hidden features in OS X and iOS!
A Newbie's Guide to Publishing - Is it possible to make a living as a genre fiction writer? Yes it is.
a pair & a spare - DIY Fashion
A perder peso - Remedios, trucos y consejos para adelgazar - Bajar de peso es posible, si se sabe como...
A Photo Editor - Former Photography Director Rob Haggart
A Practical Wedding: Ideas for Unique, DIY, and Budget Wedding Planning - Weddings. Minus the insanity, plus the marriage.
A Problem Squared - Matt Parker and Bec Hill present: A Problem Squared. A podcast dedicated to solving problems of all kinds, such as, "What should I listen to right now?". A Podcast Squared. First one's free. You're welcome.
A Sales Guy - Just another WordPress weblog


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