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Android Tablet Forum - Android Tablets .net covers the full range of Android Tablet devices and other Android based PC's.
Andromeda - Andromeda es un blog personal en el que hay información general, tecnológica, tutoriales, todo ello explicado de una forma amena y clara
Anime Remix Latest Songs - Anime Remix Feed
Ankr - Medium - The official blog of Ankr Network: a distributed computing sharing economy - Medium
Anne Helmond - Anne Helmond. New Media Research Blog
Another Drinking Blog - Two blokes, too many pubs
Ansible Blog - The official blog for Ansible by Red Hat and the Ansible open source project.
ANTHEM - The Actor-Network Theory - Heidegger Meeting
APK MANIA - Download Android Apps, Games & Live Wallpapers
APM: Marketplace Morning Report - First Edition - Marketplace Morning Report's First Edition provides a first look at the day's business news Monday through Friday. Produced and distributed by American Public Media.
APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day
Appletips - Nederlandstalige tips voor gebruikers van Apple producten
Applications Portables Papoo - des logiciels stand alone, sans installation, nomades, gratuits ou open source, testés, détaillés et approuvés pour équiper votre clé USB ou votre EEE PC.
Apps Status Dashboard - Updates zu Leistungsinformationen für Google Apps-Services aus dem Google Apps Status Dashboard ( Falls nicht anders angegeben, beziehen sich diese Statusinformationen sowohl auf Nutzerservices als auch auf Services für Unternehmen, die Google Apps verwenden.
Arkeofili - Herkes için arkeoloji.
Arts - Arts >
aseigo - the triumphs and travails of a shift-key-challenged KDE hacker
Asian Correspondent - Asia's leading independent news Horoscopes for Aries - Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes for Aries Zodiac Sign. Accurate and Reliable.


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shift+o open/close the options menu
enter select the highlight entry from a menu


enter,o in title view, expands or collapses the selected item
shift+a marks all items in the current page as read
d go to the item's list of similar stories
i/u designate the item as interesting/not interesting
m marks the item as read or unread
s adds or removes a star from the selected item
shift+s open/close the item's share menu
shift+u marks all items in the current page as unread
v opens the original source for the item in a new tab

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g then f go to the Select a Feed page


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= increase the font size
esc close any menu if open, otherwise deselect all items
? open/close a decription of keyboard shortcuts