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Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel - The Personal Branding Blog offers branding and career advice from Dan Schawbel and his team of experts.
Personal Finance Advice - Bridging the gap between saving money and investing
Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment | The Guardian - Latest money news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Perspectives - James Hamilton's Blog
Perspectives in Anthropology - Internet-based magazine
Peter Elst - Googler. Rich Media Developer. Geek.
Peter Kröner • Webtechnologie • Weblog - Weblog von Peter Kröner, HTML5-Trainer, Webentwickler und Autor
Peter Norvig - Articles by Peter Norvig - Reusable thoughts on pixels and bits.
Pew Social & Demographic Trends - Just another Pew Research weblog
PewPewPew - Das Filmblog über Katzen und Pizza
Pharmaceutical News - Pharmaceutical News Headlines | - Health Care: headlines from the week of June 14, 2010
Pharmama's Blog - zu lesen einmal täglich - Nachdenkliches, lustiges, kurioses, wissenswertes aus der Apotheke
Phazed - 28 | Digital Artist | Electronic Music Producer | Ottawa, Canada
Phazed - 28 | Digital Artist | Electronic Music Producer | Ottawa, Canada
Phil McKinney - Sharing his experiences on innovation, creativity and ingenuity - Unleash personal creativity, ingenuity and innovation by asking better questions leading to killer ideas resulting in killer innovations
Phil McKinney - Sharing his experiences on innovation, creativity and ingenuity - Unleash personal creativity, ingenuity and innovation by asking better questions leading to killer ideas resulting in killer innovations
Philip Greenspun's Weblog - A posting every day; an interesting idea every three months...
Philippe CREVEL - Économiste, décryptage de l'information économqiue
Philosophical Disquisitions - ...Things hid and barr'd from common sense
Philosophize This! - Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.
philosophy bites - podcasts of top philosophers interviewed on bite-sized topics...


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