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Firstpost - Firstpost
Fluent in 3 months - Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond!
flux machine - gifs by kevin weir
Fogonazos - Asombros diarios
Food52 - The place where kitchens meet.
Footnote Blog - The official blog of - FOX News Network - We Report. You Decide.
Frankwatching - Onafhankelijke online magazine
Fredo and Pidjin. The Webcomic. ยป Fredo & Pid'Jin - World's funniest webcomic by Eugen Erhan & Tudor Muscalu
Free Gamer - Open Source Games - Open Source and Free Software Games. Home to a list of free games and commentary on latest development in the community. - Interior Design & Architecture Newsletter - Freshome is a website dedicated to show you the latest trends in modern architecture, modern interior design and modern furniture design.
Friendly Atheist - You can be skeptical and friendly at the same time.
FUEL LINES Fueling Ad Agency New Business Through Social Media - Ad agency new business tips, tactics, trends, talents and tools - by Craig Hockenberry
Gadgetwise - The New York Times Blog
GEARFUSE - Gearfuse is a tech blog featuring news, views and opinions on the best of gadgets, gizmos, consumer electronics, hardware and more...
Geeks are Sexy Technology News - tech, science, news and social issues for geeks
Get Rich Slowly - Personal Finance That Makes Sense. - Common sense advice on money saving tips, how to get out of debt, high interest savings accounts, cd rates, money market accounts, mortgage rates, money management and more.
Girls With Slingshots - Just another WordPress site


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